Grande Miniera di Serbariu: Other facilities
The university departments and the historical and anthropological archive of the mining town
The complex of annexes where lathe machines, the forges and the carpentry room are located, houses a multi-purpose facility where advanced graduate level courses are held. The complex covers an area of 1500sqm approximately, and houses part of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and of the Digital Department of Mining and Earth Science of the University of Cagliari.
The Centro di Documentazione di Storia Locale, that is, the section of the Library System that manages the historical and demo-anthropological archive of the town, is responsible for collecting, recording, cataloguing and managing local documentary materials (except for books) of considerable historical interest. The social, economic and political life of the Municipalities that are members of the SBIS are the topics covered by the documents, photographs, dissertations and other documents kept here.
Website: Archivio Storico

“E.A.MARTEL” P.A.S. Museum
The annex where the former workshops are located – a building about 1700sqm large – houses the new areas of the old “E.A. Martel ” Civic Museum of Paleontology and Speleology, including permanent and temporary exhibition halls and rooms for study and applied research activities managed by the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Cagliari.
The building is also home to the “E.A. Martel” Speleological Research Group and houses the “Ottavio Corona” Library.
Website: Museo Paleontologico PAS Martel

The warehouse where materials are stored (covering an area of almost 3000sqm) houses the Centre for the development of clean energy technologies. The project was implemented thanks to a partnership between the municipal administration and Sotacarbo SpA. Among the projects, coal gasification, the production of hydrogen from coal and the development of new technologies for using coal Sulcis.
Website: Sotacarbo SpA

EX-DI’ Memorie in movimento – La Fabbrica del Cinema
The building that houses the former management and administrative offices of the Grande Miniera di Serbariu (Serbariu coal mine), is now home to the “Ex-Di ‘Memorie in Movimento – La Fabbrica del Cinema” project, managed by the Carbonia-Iglesias Società Umanitaria. The building is arranged over two levels: the ground floor and the basement. The management and the administrative offices and the departments where the miners collected their pay slips were located on the upper floor. The basement, connected to the upper floor via a staircase, was probably used as an office and warehouse and housed an armoured vault, which was where the money for wages and ordinary expenses was kept.
Some areas inside the building, such as the management office – still decorated with its original furnishings – and the vault, which houses the Multifunctional Hall (where documents from the Audiovisual Archive – an important part of the historical memory of the area – can be consulted) are open to visitors. The Fabbrica del Cinema – also used for interactive exhibitions – houses the archive and the thematic library, the reception desk and consultation areas, and spaces for training courses, autobiographical workshops, research, meetings and conferences.
Website: Ex-Di’ Fabbrica del Cinema